Usage: Chinese Brush Painting, Watercolor, Travel Watercoloring
Size: Available in 8 Color Set and 12 Color Set
Packaging: Semi-Moist Cake Pan Watercolors
Overview and Description:
Talk about ease and convenience! The OAS Ideal Companion Sets are an economical addition and worthwhile complement to your chip and tube watercolors, and, sometimes even an alternate choice to them.
These semi-moist watercolors have rich and vibrant transparent colors in a self-contained, portable, lidded plastic palette. A small brush is also included with the set.
Each set includes the following:
8 Color Set: Yellow, Vermilion, Red, Brown, Light Green, Sky Blue, Purple, and Charcoal.
12 Color Set: White, Yellow, Vermilion, Red, Crimson, Brown, Purple, Ochre, Light Green, Dark Green, Sky Blue, and Charcoal.